all postcodes in L22 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L22 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L22 4QA 32 1 53.478659 -3.024043
L22 4QB 11 8 53.479112 -3.023632
L22 4QD 23 11 53.481078 -3.023693
L22 4QF 12 4 53.479259 -3.023031
L22 4QG 1 1 53.479682 -3.023119
L22 4QJ 31 0 53.480012 -3.024528
L22 4QL 36 1 53.480493 -3.024779
L22 4QN 30 0 53.479408 -3.02156
L22 4QP 37 0 53.480859 -3.025287
L22 4QQ 11 7 53.480148 -3.023143
L22 4QR 15 4 53.480282 -3.019017
L22 4QS 13 1 53.479405 -3.019782
L22 4QT 29 4 53.480278 -3.018612
L22 4QU 6 0 53.478927 -3.020793
L22 4QW 19 0 53.479173 -3.02169
L22 4QX 46 0 53.479626 -3.021339
L22 4QY 47 0 53.480267 -3.021038
L22 4QZ 43 0 53.480059 -3.021184
L22 4RA 42 1 53.48043 -3.016597
L22 4RB 28 0 53.480191 -3.018294